I've pursued non-traditional studies since 1975. I consider what I do to be a body of work. A synthesis of all that I have learned and practiced over time. I draw from the following training and experience...
I had studied Fine Art in College but soon found that I could not commit to matriculation. I innately knew that I wanted the knowledge that you can't get in College. So, shortly after that, I began studying Self-Knowledge, Truth and Consciousness with Master Teacher, Prem Rawat. My connection with Prem is ongoing.
Heart Centered Spiritual Consulting
& Inspirational Coaching
Insightful, Personally Focused Attention
to What You Care About Most

What is Divine
Spiritual Consulting?
The word Divine is the closest I can come to a relatable word for the Source, or Creator of All. But even "Divine," has at lease a few different definitions and connotations to it. So clarity is needed as to whether or not this word is a good fit for both of us. By Divine, I mean coming from the heart and one's personal experience of God, the Universe or the Source of all, (whatever a person chooses to name it)... I approach each reading from the Perspective of the Divine, as to my own heart-felt understanding.

What is Divine
Spiritual Consulting?
The word Divine is the closest I can come to a relatable word for the Source, or Creator of All. But even "Divine," has at lease a few different definitions and connotations to it. So clarity is needed as to whether or not this word is a good fit for both of us. By Divine, I mean coming from the heart and one's personal experience of God, the Universe or the Source of all, (whatever a person chooses to name it)... My approach is from the Perspective of the Divine, as to my own heart-felt understanding.
The meaning of the word Spiritual has also expanded and changed over time. As a result of that, I call the type of work I do Divine Spiritual to be specific about the 'kind" of Spiritual Consulting that it is. My personal approach and perspective is to support the highest and best within you... your authentic self.
Depending on my client, because a reading is always optional, sometimes I also begin the session with a Life Reading using the 22 Major Arcana Cards of the Tarot. Deck A reading is useful and practical insight into whatever you feel is most important to you. I use only that part of the deck because it provides a focused vantage point. I consider it to be an excellent frame of reference as I describe it below.
Inspirational Coaching happen throughout all sessions for your support and empowerment.

The Major Arcana Carry an Impactful Message
The 22 Major Arcana* are considered to be the most divinely inspired part of the entire deck according to the late, Arthur Edward Waite, the most well known of the three creators of that deck... the Rider-Waite-Smith Deck. This is one of the most famous Tarot decks of all.
Major Arcana are also known as the "Trump Cards." They are preeminent within the Tarot deck, because they are a bigger and broader picture of life, helping to further understand our humanity and our connection to all this is. They are thought to be a "cut-above" the Minor Arcana and the Court Cards, which comprise the complete Tarot deck. These cards, in particular, carry a significant impact on a question or issue when they appear in a reading, in which the entire Tarot deck is used. So a reading featuring the Major Arcana cards alone e can be thought of as an encapsulation of the entire deck. When used in this way, a reading becomes more savvy, insightful and comprehensive.
Each card in the Major Arcana, from the Fool ( the #0 Card,) to the World (the #22 Card,) represents a specific archetypal figure or situation which all human beings experience in common. Cumulatively, the cards designate periods of growth, or junctures along the path of life, human maturation, and the finding of our purpose - which can ultimately lead us to a very personal feeling of our destiny in the world. Put succinctly, the 22 Major Arcana cards stand alone as a powerful archetypal depiction of the stages of life... childhood, adolescence, adulthood and elder (or older adulthood).
*Arcana is the plural of the word Arcan: (pronounced (ärˈkān a) an adjective meaning
understood by few; mysterious or secret.
Examples from the Ryder-Waite-Smith Deck

The Trump Cards Can be Read Like a Map
I think of reading as a sort of a road map. In other words, the way the cards are laid down represents where we've come from, where we are, (perhaps, what we're currently experiencing), and where we may be going. Before a reading, where we're going is often not clear and/or may not be wanted. So, like using a map, when we know where we are, we gain much more clarity about where we want to go and how we might best get there. So during a reading we work together to gain insight into your life situation. Then, upon completion of the reading, having referred to a map, we can move forward with confidence because we can see what our motivations , which makee our options more clear. This is one way to look at the value of my consulting.
The Major Arcana are also often thought of as "The Fools Journey." This means that a human being comes into this world as the fool, at "0" knowing nothing of the physical world, then journeys through all the phases of life represented by the Trump cards #1, the Magician to #21, The World. I find it intriguing that we may come into this world knowing nothing of it, but the fool card also represented the alpha and the omega. Put another way... the beginning and the end. So we're born knowing that we came from the infinite, or the Divine. But the world causes us to forget .
For those who enjoy the terrain of the Tarot, I use a simple 8 card spread. The themes of a reading have us focus on the past, present and future with regard to the influence of our conscious, subconscious and higher mind on your current situation. The Major Arcana Tarot cards are a great tool for learning what our inclinations and propensities might be toward our desired, or undesired expectations. In other words, it can lead to clarity and thus help us to determine direction, resolutions of conflicts and things to consider, as well as the feasibility of an possible outcome or goal.
It's About Gaining Clarity
Although I have a gift of "knowing," I don't know everything... nor would I want to! Unfortunately, the Tarot is too often thought of as a game. It's not. A reading is not about "Fortune Telling" or predicting the future. In my experience, that's too often inauthentic. It's really about inclinations, tendencies or propensities we might have, or things to consider about ourselves which we could probably benefit from. A reading always shows us exactly what is true, which I still find facilitating.
In a nut shell though, it's about gainng clarity. You may feel relieved because I helped you sort out a complex situation. Or perhaps you will have gained some insight, so you can come to an understanding of something important to you. As a result of a reading, you could even make a necessary and important decision with a certainty you didn't have before.
But, I can certainly say that by the time the reading is done, one or more of these things will most likely happen for you.

Get in Touch with Grace Directly for a Virtual Reading
Other Local Events
The Metaphysical Fair at New Renaissance Book Shop has re-emerged and is now alive and well on Saturdays until, perhaps, normalcy returns. Visit the fair from noon till 3 pm each week.
The Shop is located at 1338 NW 23rd Avenue, Portland, OR 97210,The Fair is held in the Events Space, two doors South of the Bookshop's main entrance.
The Fair is held in the Events Space, two doors South of the Bookshop's main entrance.
Admission is Free ~ Stop in to visit!
If You're in
Portland, Oregon
North West Portland in the
Alphabet District aka Nob Hill
The Metaphysical Fair at New Renaissance Book Shop has re- and is now alive and well on Saturdays until, perhaps, normalcy returns. Visit the fair from noon till 3 pm each week.
The Shop is located at 1338 NW 23rd Avenue, Portland, OR 97210,The Fair is held in the Events Space, two doors South of the Bookshop's main entrance.
The Fair is held in the Events Space, two doors South of the Bookshop's main entrance.
Admission is Free ~ Stop in to visit!
The Crystal Heart Gallery Psychic Healing & Arts Fair will be postponed until further notice.
I've listed he it below for your reference
The Crystal Heart Gallery is located in Hillsboro at
269 E. Main Street, Hillsboro Oregon 97123 Phone: (503) 746-6058
www.crystalheartbooks.com/home/psychic-fair-dates/ Site
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