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Bring2Light Intuitive Consulting

Liability Waiver & Disclaimer


By making an appointment with Grace Karen Sweet,  you confirm that you have reviewed and agreed to this Liability Waiver & Disclaimer. 


Grace Karen Sweet, as Owner of Bring2Light Intuitive Consulting, and practitioner of Intuitive Spiritual Consulting, Holistic Energy Healing and Coaching/Mentoring states that these services, although very effective, can be confrontational and intense at times. This work could be challenging or uncomfortable as old patterns shift.  Complete personal accountability is required of you, and on your own behalf, self-examination is involved.   It is necessary that you are willing to take absolute personal responsibility for your own thoughts, feelings and experience.  If you begin to feel angry, or disturbed, or you feel that others are in any way to blame for how you feel, we will discontinue work immediately with no further charge beyond the current session.  Parrticipating in a session with Grace is not a replacement for medical treatment or consultation.  This experience is yours, and you are, and will always be in complete control of it.

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